
Monday 8 October 2012

Today I should have gone into the library to do some extra hours to help out! It was in my diary and I should have looked in it BUT I was still blithely
reading a book sitting in my bedroom after a nice cup of tea when my boss rang. She was very nice  "Er You are supposed to be working this morning"
"Oh b....." I yelped and stopped dreaming happily of the sewing I was going to do. I dried my hair and put on my polyfiller in about ten minutes flat and ran down the hill to the library. All this Autumn closing in and hibernation etc. is getting to me!!I think I have been forgiven but it does make me worry about my memory....gulp!
Early night tonight!


  1. Oh dear, I'm the same! spent ages looking for something I was actually carrying in my hand :-O

    1. You do feel you might be loosing the plot! I tell myself thaat I am pondering great thoughts so forget the mundane but ......

  2. Must say first that I love your pictures. I am the same as you memory wise,I have to write everything down! Don't have to think about working at the library now though :-)

    1. Thanks Cait,I am part time now but this creates more confusion Ho Ho!

  3. That happened to me the other day - I was in the bath reading when I should have been at the hairdressers. Oh - senility aleady!

  4. I think it is Autumn,it is more potent than we think,perhaps harking back to when we really did have to hunker down to survive,hybernation memories !!

  5. At least you got there in the end. Thanks, Angela, it's always a pleasure to read your blog - and look at the pictures!

    1. Yes eventually! thanks for dropping in,have you had alook in my other blog wich is about clothes and sewing etc.

  6. This makes me smile, it could have been me.;))
    Have a great week dear Angie.;)

  7. Yes but I only work down the hill into town ,if you had forgotten Zuzana it would have taken you a lot longer to get to your work,if I remember you have a long drive!! love Angela

  8. share words of motivation friend
    People who think negatively always sees the difficulty in every opportunity, while successful people are always looking for an opportunity in every difficulty.
    Greetings, success always and I wait behind the visit: D

  9. The autumn weather and the rains turn our world into a dreamland. Very difficult to think of anything except tea and a good book!
