Monday, 4 July 2011

The beautiful Victorian buliding which houses the library where I work.

This old building in the heart of Truro was once a school,It was designed by  a man with a colourful name Sylvanus Trevail .The building was financed by the Cornish philanthropist Passmore Edwards  and after serving as a school became a public Library.
Recently with the generous help of The Lottery Fund this venerable old building has had a face lift!
It is now a thriving Community Library and I am lucky enough to work there.

The library has always been a magic place for me and my university too! What a horror to have a government that thinks that Libraries are expendable!  !!!! I suppose that Eton Boys did not need to visit their local library like the rest of us who found the world betwween the pages of free library books.One little ticket that could take you everywhere !


  1. What a lovely building. It is a perfectly beautiful venue for a library.

  2. This is all gorgeous! You really visit some lovely places and share such beautiful photos.

  3. Oh, by the way, that is my post above........ thecozyhouse.........., it seems it is the only way I can make any kind of posts on certain blogs. Blogger won't let me post under my own name!

  4. Just gorgeous! please tell me the staff all dress in Victorian costume?

  5. Truro Library is fab! And so is St Austell Performing Arts Library, which mustn't be allowed to shut down...

  6. A magnificent building indeed - and you're right it would be a crime if it was forced to shut and could no longer be enjoyed by so many people.

  7. Perfect for a library and such a lovely building to work in!

  8. Thanks for your comments everyone.I am biased,Kath the staff do not where victorian clothing but we all like to wear interesting stuff! We have great craft courses too.Book groups,Poetry group ,story times ,Kids After School club,cafe,Graphics Novels Group and all sorts of other happenings.

  9. ah Truro library, wish I lived closer so I could come hang out there more! Hope you're well Angela, and not working too hard, Jo (library escapee)

  10. I love to see where my internet friends work...what a lovely building.
