Friday, 14 April 2017

Life of freedom.
Well I am now oficially retired,I am at the place that always seemed so far away!
No more being exhausted after running up and down the library stairs and shelving heavy tomesNo more waiting to hear about the latest library cut backs..
Now I can spend time pottering about in the garden and trying my hand at growing vegetables in pots. Planting the border with delightful flowers and also have time to do the weeding in a leisurely manner!
I can sit around reading at anytime of the day and not feel guilty!
I can continually drink tea with a dash of honey.
It really is good to be my own boss, and arrange my own time.
Every morning I walk down the garden with that lovely refreshing first cup of lady Grey and check what is coming up or opening.I watch the bees busy in the Pulmonaria buzzing  between flower heads.The birds calling and visiting the feeders The blackbirds and the robin buzz me.

Our small wildlife pond looks ancient but I only made it last year,We want some frogs this year.
The pasque flower is blooming.
Primroses have evaded the slugs!
I recently bought this gorgeous viola,the heads would look great pressed and used  for card making.I have the time now!

This is the first Snakes Head fritillaria that I have ever managed to grow and I have watched it open. There are also some more coming up.They are so fascinating and have a magical  quality.
Some broad beans to remind me of Spring in Almeria!
Here come the Sunflowers.
After over wintering in my small greenhouse the olive is outside and has buds coming.Last year we had olives.They were very small but turned a beautiful mauve.The forecast is
 a hot  summer so perhaps there will be more.

Some of the veggies are growing in pots and the rocks are for project rockery this weekend!
This is a shady spot that is home to my mint collection,morrocan,indian,apple and cologne  mints but also the good old standby used for mint sauce.
This is the newest  denizen of the garden,she is Hebe the goddess of eternal youth and cup bearer of the Gods.She is only temporarily in this position  and will stand on the top of the rockery.
I have been reading two very enjoyable books whilst in the gardening mood,The Writer's Garden by Jackie Bennett and Impressionist Gardens by Clare A.P. Willsdon. Both are full of beautiful photography and painting and give insight to the influence gardens have on the creative mind.

The present news with the gross Trump and the blind Brexiteers  terrible death and destruction of innocents has made me realize the importance of being mindful of the precious and lovely things in my small life I should like to advise Trump to read"Ozymandias" by Shelley!.


  1. I love the images you find for your posts, I used to have a Golden Wonder Book, and Perrault's French Fairy Tales neither of which I could find tonight

    1. I have a Golden Wonder book,I found it in a junk shop a while back.I had my Mum's copy as a chils but it went missing. Thanks Debbie x
