Wednesday, 20 March 2013


This is my little Mum,she is 89 and has been staying with me in Cornwall because she fell and broke her arm on Boxing Day.
I have not had time to do much posting during the last three months but now !
I am pleased to say she has made a full recovery and has astonished the doctors here in Truro with her amazing bone regrowth and mobility.
When we took her in to casualty they asked her age and what medications she took and we said nothing but the odd painkiller.
They tested everything and said she was very healthy. Hope I have inherited the bones!
She writes poetry and works in a charity shop and I think  she is an inspiration!
Next week we go back to London  on the train what an adventure it has been and we have had fun even if it was hard at first with pain and making adjustments. I have had such a lot of help,good wishes  and love fom her friends and mine. Oh! it does cheer you up when human beings show how great we can all be!
She will celbrate her 90th on the 24th of April