Here is my rather beautiful step daughter and best friend in character as Jane Austen at the library were I work in Truro.
This is the lovely Jacquie ,also a good friend reading over her presentation.
You may remember an earlier post when the three of us sat outside a bistro working out the structure of the performance.
An Evening with Jane Austen.
Emma in character talking to Christopher William Hill,play write and children's novelist who had spent the earlier part of the day being Writer in Residence in the library .
His first novel is called "Osbert the Avenger"
It is a dark but humorous tale not to be missed by children or adults for that matter!
The girls in action! Emma's reading of Mr Collins ghastly marriage proposal to Elizabeth Bennett was so funny!
Jacquie who loves Jane Austen was witty and gave her unique take on the life and works of the writer.
The audience asked when would our next literary event be, so thinking caps are on. The event was a sellout !
What a week I have had,Chris staying and writing in my sewing room,rushing up to London through the floods to take my Mum to have an eye operation. All in all a great week!