Friday, 30 November 2012

Eventful Times!

Here is my rather beautiful step daughter and best friend in character as Jane Austen at the library were I work in Truro.
This is the lovely Jacquie ,also a good friend reading over her presentation.
You may remember an earlier post when the three of us sat outside a bistro working out the structure of the performance.
An Evening with Jane Austen.
Emma in character talking to Christopher William Hill,play write and children's novelist who had spent the earlier part of the day being Writer in Residence in the library .
His first novel is called "Osbert the Avenger"
It is a dark but humorous tale not to be missed by children or adults for that matter!
The girls in action! Emma's reading of Mr Collins ghastly marriage proposal to Elizabeth Bennett   was so funny!
Jacquie who loves Jane Austen was witty and gave her unique take on the life and works of the writer.
The audience asked when would our next literary event be, so thinking caps are on. The event was a sellout !
What a week I have had,Chris staying and writing in my sewing room,rushing up to London through the floods to take my Mum to have an eye operation.  All in all a great week!

Sunday, 18 November 2012

Dear Little Cups!

I love pretty china!
I found four of these bone china cups in a charity shop .I paid £3.00 for them.
They must be coffe cups or maybe for china tea  I like the delicate flowers which appear to be painted not printed and are so dainty.What an old fashioned word "dainty " is but it fits these pretty things perfectly!


Tuesday, 13 November 2012

I have come across this Russian Artist!

The colours and the sensitivity of Natasha Milaschevich attracted me!
She uses the stunning folk costumes of her country as  inspiration
This is so delicate .
Gorgeous patterns and colours.
This artist is painting today and has work in many galleries across the world.

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Breathing a sigh of Relief!

As Winter begins I am able to say that I want to try to really enjoy the dark days.
The dread of darkness bringing with it depression and lack of motivation is going to be a thing of the past. I was so relieved when the U.S.A showed its heart by voting president Obama in for another term.I realise that there are terrible iniquities going on but at least he can be said to be moving in the right direction.The other candidates  were  terrible! As a woman who believes in the rights of women and equality some of the utterances were frightening.
So now I am going to settle in to a cosy winter hopefully full of bright firelight, scrumptious casseroles,mulled wine and warm woolly tights Ha Ha!
I shall look forward to the frost and snow and get out in it!
Coleridge the poet says in his poem The frost at Midnight that he had seen" the secret ministry of frost" a wonderful description of finding nature transformed over night.
Perhaps my husband will serenade me by candle light?
I shall drink in the morning light when there is a sunny morning and try hard not to be grumpy when there is a grey drizzle.I shall wear incredibly colourful socks inside my boots and maybe walk out under the winter moon and howl like a wolf!!
Then I intend to get tucked up in bed and read some great  books. These are my winter resolutions !